Monday 29 September 2008


Another typhoon is almost over. It is slowly becoming a routine. This one was a bit worse than the previous, even the European media reported it. It cut off the electricity in many places, caused some mud slides, a bus was flipped over somewhere on the freeway and many trains and even MRT line stopped operation temporarily. The dorms seem pretty safe so far. Anyways, I made a video from the dorm windows for a bit better typhoon experience:

At this time, it must seem like this blog is actually dedicated to typhoon coverage in Eastern Asia. But there really isn't any other choice, as there is so many of them and they always almost completely shut down the life in Taiwan. Anyways, I had a lot of time to study, do homework and such over the weekend. When even that became boring, a little blessing came: I was asked to put up more pictures of myself here, and also shown a little funny website (many thanks to Marie for both :) Result?

1956............................ 1960

1970............................. 1976

1984 ........................... 1990

I guess a typhoon can have an impact on one's mental health. Regardless. This will actually help me solve one of my bigger Taiwan nightmares - going to have my hair cut. Being aware of the fact that I have a hard time explaining how do I want to have my hair cut even in my native language, doing it in Chinese will, at some point, be simply hilarious. But now, I can simply print out one of these pictures and show it to the barber. Please help me, pick out the best one and leave your opinion in the comments :)


materthron said...

I'd go for the 1990's as nothing beats a first class mullet in looking more brain damaged :p.

No, seriously you should stay with your current hair cut. AFAIK this would ease your explanation considerably ("Like that but just a bit shorter" = 一样,只是有点短).

Enjoy your stay (and good weather of course :D).

zord_majka said...

Já jsem jednoznačně pro 1984... tam ti to moc sekne. chci vidět fotky, jak to dopadlo! ^^
Michal Pulda (AEGEE-Praha Facebook group)